NEWTON FALLS — In response to learning she has been placed on six-month suspension without pay from her job as village finance director, Anna Musson has made an appeal via letter to village council charging her boss with retaliating against her.
In a May 28 letter to council members obtained recently by the newspaper, Musson states she wrote the letter “because there appears to be misrepresentations on the reason that I have not been engaged in my duties.”
“I have not requested a leave of absence nor has David Lynch provided any legitimate reason for putting me on administrative leave.”
However, Lynch, Newton Falls city manager, confirmed this week he has suspended Musson for not getting a health assessment. Lynch also confirmed he has given council members a report about Musson compiled by the law director. Lynch said he has the power to discipline Musson.
“I don’t want to call it an investigation,” Lynch said in noting that he doesn’t want to comment further on the allegations against Musson.
Read more in Sunday’s Tribune Chronicle.
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