Tower Bridge with the Canary Wharf financial district in the background are seen at sunrise in London, Britain, September 22, 2020. REUTERS/John Sibley
- Summary
- Law firms
- London-based Daniel Franks was a partner at Norton Rose Fulbright since 2014
- Ashurst also added a London BCLP partner this month
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(Reuters) – U.K.-founded law firm Ashurst said Thursday that it has added derivatives and structured finance specialist Daniel Franks from Norton Rose Fulbright as a partner in its London-based global markets practice.
The move is Ashurst’s second partner hire this month from a transatlantic rival, after it brought on Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner’s European leader for litigation and investigations, Nathan Willmott.
Franks, who was a partner at Norton Rose since 2014, has broad capital markets experience as well as fintech expertise, advising on a number of digital assets platforms and financing arrangements, Ashurst said.
Ashurst’s U.S. and U.K. head of global markets Mike Logie said Franks’ focus on investment bank clients would complement the firm’s sell-side derivatives offerings. “Daniel will be a great addition to the practice, enhancing our client offering with both his sell-side and buy-side expertise,” he said in a statement.
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Ashurst names Karen Davies its next chair as more U.K. firms tap women leaders
Reporting by Nimitt Dixit