Canon for Finance and Administration – Episcopal News Service – Episcopal News Service

Job Title
Canon for Finance and Administration
Name of church or organization
Episcopal Diocese of SW Florida
Parrish, FL
Job Description
The Canon for Finance and Administration is an executive position, reporting to the Bishop alongside the Canon to the Ordinary.  This role is responsible for the financial and administrative aspects of diocesan life as defined in the Diocesan vision and budget, including the operations of DaySpring Episcopal Center.  Serving functionally as CFO/Treasurer as well as Corporate Secretary, this role is a chief coordinator of a high-functioning operational system with well-established procedures and staff cross-training.

Essential responsibilities include:

  • Managing the Diocesan and DaySpring Budgets
  • Managing the day-to-day accounting functions
  • Managing the human resource functions for diocesan staff as well as required diocesan roles for clergy and lay employee benefits of the Episcopal Church via Church Pension Group affiliates.
  • Managing the Diocesan Endowment Management Program – which currently includes 37 congregations who pool their endowment funds alongside the $17M diocesan endowment for a combined investment portfolio of $21M.
  • Managing the Diocesan Revolving Loan Fund – a $7M revolving loan fund which currently includes 33 congregation loans
  • Managing an engaging and attentive support structure for the financial health and vitality of our congregations and schoolsincluding a Diocesan Dashboard of key institutional information such as annual budgets, financials, audits, endowments, debt, human resources, and property utilization.   Compiling and presenting regular summary reporting to extend best practices for health financial management at the congregation level.  Intervening where necessary to assist congregations in financial distress, and inspiring positive action with opportunities and resources.  See SWFL Benchmark Report as an example2020_SWFL_Benchmark_Report   
  • Overseeing the production of a steady stream of leadership development and formation program offerings throughout the year.  See DaySpring 2022 catalog for a full overview – 2022 DaySpring Catalog
  • With the Executive Director of DaySpring and Bishop’s Cabinet for DaySpring Development, manage the strategic 10-year $20M Master Plan for DaySpring capital development.  Serve as a champion for opportunities involving partnerships with community non-profit organizations related to DaySpring’s mission to “be a sacred place in the heart of our diocesan community that exists to enrich and empower all people in Christ”.
  • With various IT vendors and staff, managing the Information Technology systems utilized to operate efficiently
Type of Commitment
Full Time
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Application Process
Please send resume and cover letter, including three references to Canon for the Ordinary at For more information, contact Canon Richard Norman at (941) 556-0315.
Application Deadline
Link to the job posting or application