How To Make the Green Finance Market Flourish – International Banker

By Robin Penfold, partner at UK law firm TLT Momentum is building around green finance. According to recent UN estimates, the value of sustainable financial products such as green bonds and sustainable funds hit $3.2trn in 2020 – an increase of more than 80% compared to the previous year1UNCTAD With attention focussing on ramping up […]

UK Crypto Derivatives Ban Doesn’t Protect Retail Investors – Bollyinside – BollyInside

In a sign of how accessible digital assets have become even to retail buyers, US regulators last month authorised the country’s first crypto derivative ETF, for bitcoin, the most popular digital currency. In giving permission, officials followed their counterparts in jurisdictions as diverse as Canada, Germany, Dubai and Brazil. Until a few years ago, most […]

Britain to set out how finance can help meet net-zero goals – Reuters

Transition plans for listed companies and asset managers Britain to set out transition pathway for finance in 2022 New task force to set ‘gold standard’ for transition plans LONDON, Nov 3 (Reuters) – British finance minister Rishi Sunak will tell companies on Wednesday to set out plans by 2023 for a transition to a low-carbon […]

UK crypto derivatives ban fails to protect retail investors – Financial Times

The valuation of cryptocurrencies  has increased dramatically in the past 12 months, as has their adoption by investors around the world — individuals as well as institutions. Until a few years ago, most retail investors would have required the use of a broker or investment professional to handle their investments. Today, consumers flock to apps […]

The uses and abuses of green finance – The Economist

Nov 3rd 2021 THE COP26 summit in Glasgow is, alas, shaping up to be a disappointment. The hope that emerging markets, which belch out much of the world’s greenhouse gases, would announce ambitious proposals is being dashed. The plans of China, India and Brazil all underwhelm. There is no sign this will be the COP […]